Curating Real Scents For Handcrafted Soy Candles

We have spent countless hours ordering samples of scents and determining if they will work within the vision of our brand. Does the scent smell real? Will the fragrance oil exceed our standards when cold/hot? These are all of the questions we asked ourselves when we started Wax & Wick.

Our testing process begins with an order from a supplier, we base our sample choices off of their description. We have gotten some very interesting scents delivered this way - some good and some not so good. It's tough to blame the creator when everyone's nose is different! We have curated our scent line to reflect who we are as people. Wax & Wick is comprised of three men interested in making our houses feel like homes. Certain scents bring back memories and we wanted to deliver that to someone whom we had never met.  

Some fragrance oil doesn't pair well with soy wax we discovered that immediately when our candles didn't look as perfect as we wanted them to look. Our rigorous testing, research, and development has allowed us to not only procure the most real fragrances but has also given us the ability to pour perfect candles while maintaining the safety of using 100% soy wax and wood wicks. This combination is safer and longer burning than traditional candles. 

Candle companies will sell you a candle with the word soy on the label and fine print will read "soy-blend" resulting in a cheaper-to-manufacture candle that is just downright unsafe for human consumption. Paying hard earned money for a superior candle was something we initially struggled with. We found "soy-blend" candles in every nook and cranny of the internet and just about every home goods store. Stale, uninspired scents that are literally toxic to you and your home. Sure, they were priced below $15 but the true cost is determined over time. Would you rather spend $15 for a candle that is haphazardly manufactured to make some executive happy or $25 for a candle created with your health in mind? The fact is that our candles are cleaner-burning, longer-burning, and safer-burning than any competitors candles. We use 100% undyed soy wax to achieve our superior product

We spent the time to create a candle we would burn. Something we couldn't find anywhere for any price. Check out our collection today. We truly care about our customers because we started out as frustrated customers looking to create something unique and handcrafted. We don't look at margins - we look at how evenly our product burns, how safely our product burns - the end result is a better candle and an overall better user experience.

You will love our candles from the initial un-boxing experience to the last 1/4" of perfectly scented wax! Keep on burning!