December Man Candle of the Month - Blue Pine

Pinus wallichiana, native to the Himalaya, Karakoram and Hindu Kush mountains. This scent will remind you to find your center during particularly stressful moments. Use this candle in an area of your life that needs the most alignment.

This scent is layered with a crisp citrusy note that isn't overly complex. The wood wick will crackle just enough to remind you that it is still a candle while the 100% soy burns for hours, enhancing your surroundings. 

The Blue Pine fragrance oil we use with our soy wax is Phthalate free. A phthalate is a synthesis of phthalic acid - although the effects of human consumption are not proven to be harmful we choose to work with suppliers that offer safer products. 

  • Soy wax is the safest wax.
  • Wood wicks are sustainable, the safest alternative to cotton wicks, they add the right ambiance to our winning combination.
  • Best and longest burning candle available, handmade in Chicago, IL in the best country in the world, the United States of America.
  • You will have the most unique experience possible with the wood wick and soy wax combination. 

We will touch on Phthalates more in future blogs, long-term safety is a goal of ours. Wax & Wick is fully committed to changing the health landscape for future generations.

We have put in the time and effort learning the exact percentages required to build a superior luxury man candle with a perfectly executed scent throw. The 10oz. Blue Pine Man Candle will fill an 800 square foot room - shop now!